
In the News

PFBC August Newsletter

[button link="http://www.pickupsforbreastcancer.org/schedule-pick-up-donation/" bg_color="#f7acf7"]SCHEDULE YOUR DONATION PICKUP[/button] Pickups for Breast Cancer August Newsletter August 15 - National Relaxation Day Relaxation Techniques and Mind/Body Practices: How They Can Help You Cope with Cancer. Cancer and its treatment [...]

Thank You!

THANK YOU for the continued support of our program! We understand that you have many options when it comes to donating your clothing and household items and appreciate your dedication to our cause. If you'd [...]

Experimental Drug CDX-011 Shows Promise

There's good news for the estimated 35 percent of the total breast cancer population who  are triple negative and/or have a  high expression of GPNMB. According to a report in Reuters,  interim results from a [...]

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